Teacher Standard 6 states that teachers should make accurate and productive use of assessment. It is split into four sub-standards.
a. Know and understand how to assess the relevant subject and curriculum areas, including statutory assessment requirements
b. Make use of formative and summative assessment to secure pupils' progress
c. Use relevant data to monitor progress, set targets, and plan subsequent lessons
d. Give pupils regular feedback, both orally and through accurate marking, and encourage pupils to respond to the feedback
What this standard is assessing
You can confidently and accurately assess pupils’ attainment against national benchmarks. You use a range of assessment strategies very effectively in their day-to-day practice to monitor progress and to inform future planning. You systematically and effectively check learners’ understanding throughout lessons, anticipating where intervention may be needed and do so with notable impact on the quality of learning. You assess learners’ progress regularly and work with them to accurately target further improvement and secure rapid progress
Examples of evidence to demonstrate progress meeting standard
Trainee/NQT demonstrates they are assessing work appropriately, seeks moderation
Shows formative and summative assessment during lesson delivery
Makes appropriate use of assessment file or mark books to show progress
Feedback is regular and constructive
Sources for evidence
Lesson plans
Observation in the classroom
Observation in the wider school environment
Assessment file (primary)
Mark books (secondary)
Remember that the evidence in isolation isn’t enough, you will need to annotate it to signpost exactly where/how you are meeting the standard.
You can use photographic evidence to support your evidence for this standard. Be sure to anonymise any student work or data by blacking out names or identifying details. Be sure to blank out student faces and any school logos.
