For teacher sub-standard 1b, you need to demonstrate that you consistently set goals that stretch and challenge pupils of all backgrounds, abilities and dispositions
The types of evidence you can use to demonstrate you are meeting this are:
Children know targets and how to get them; next steps marking; AFL embedded
Attainment and wellbeing targets; end of term/ project/ year targets; support and intervention to meet targets
Celebration of targets achieved? Effective mentoring in place
Student voice - are targets challenging? Evidence of class code of conduct
IEPs show clear steps to goals & regular review
Effective tracking/ analysis of data to close the gaps
Quality lesson planning (which shows clear and appropriate differentiation);seating plans/groupings
Awareness of vulnerable children/groups – effective interventions
Pupil progress meetings; evidence showing understanding/impact of vulnerable children’s needs; APP up-to-date; teacher tracking data with interventions
Lesson observation comments/ feedback form
Ethnic Minority Achievement Plan; Celebration of other backgrounds/cultures
Good use of resources and support staff
Target walls differentiated to ensure personal success
An annotated seating plan, EHCP or IEP (sometimes known as a learner passport) would also help with this. Photographs of your marking records or write ups of pupil progress meetings would also help to show evidence of this. Make sure that you anonymise any student names included on the documentation you upload.
Remember that the evidence in isolation isn’t enough, you will need to annotate it to signpost exactly where/how you are meeting the standard.