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For teacher sub-standard 8d, you need to demonstrate that you are able to take responsibility for improving teaching through appropriate professional development, responding to advice and feedback from colleagues.

The types of evidence you can use to showcase this are:

  • Acting on feedback – what’s changed? (Reflective entry)

  • Subject leadership/ staff CPD

  • Regular reflection on practice e.g. journal, further professional study, leading astaff group, disseminating new learning to colleagues

  • Peer observation and mentoring

  • Showing and sharing good practice

  • Cross-phase and cross-school moderation

  • PM reviews – mid and end of year; contributing own targets for development

  • Lesson observations

  • Requesting CPD

  • Being thoroughly up to date with pedagogy and practice

  • Understanding and working to maintain and improve on the professional responsibilities and progression in these standards

Remember that the evidence in isolation isn’t enough, you will need to annotate it to signpost exactly where/how you are meeting the standard.

You can use photographic evidence to support your evidence for this standard. Be sure to anonymise any student work or data by blacking out names or identifying details. If you’re using photographic evidence be sure to blank out student faces and any school logos.


1 comentário

12 de dez. de 2024
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